Thursday, August 9, 2012

                               Hunger Games and Racism

          This blog is a summary and discussion based on the article “Racist Hunger Games Fans are Very disappointed”, which can be found on the Jezebel website.

                  In the article “Racist Hunger Games Fans are Very Disappointment” numerous comments were made by “The Hunger Games” fans based on racism of three characters in the film because they saw the film and found out that those characters are of Black decent. I believe that these fans that criticize on why those characters were Black are more likely to be whites because no black person would ever be racist on another Black person. Racist fans read a novel based on their reaction to the film is mainly because they themselves are White, the author is White and they expect the characters to be White likewise for Black people. If a Black person is reading a novel written by a Black author of course they would picture the characters of the same ethnicity and I bet they would reactions would be the same. Fans reactions are sometimes based on their psychological thinking because since they are racist they think only about themselves so when they read a novel the automatically picture the characters of the same nationally. From the article “These people are MAD that the girl that they cried over while reading the book was ‘some black girl’ all along. So now they’re angry. Wasted tears, wasted emotions. It’s sad to think that had they known that she was black all along, there would have been [no] sorrow or sadness over her death” (Racist Hunger Games Fans are Very Disappointment). More comments like this can be found on the article which is very racist.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

                                Blog 1: Revised

This blog is the revised version of the one posted on july,4.

      This blog contains a summary and discussion based on “Notes on Love and Marriage: Perspectives from Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’” which was written by Michael Vance on May 2000. I will be evaluating Michael Vance’s reaction to Oscar Wilde’s.

        Based on the Michael Vance’s analysis, he states that Oscar Wilde is a self-described antinomian, one for whom the regular rules for society didn’t apply. The Importance of Being Ernest is a cleverly woven satire in which many of the rules, morays and, hypocritical practices and ideas of Wilde’s day were made a mockery. Through Wilde’s intention it shows that he exercise great skill but little knowledge on satire that he poked fun at many of society’s most sacred and untouchable institution. The plot of the play is marriage which makes a lot of sense since Wilde focuses on custom when two young men sought their marriage by their desperate and absurd ways. In other words they both lied that their names were Ernest in order to marry the ones they desire.

       Wilde’s play was merely based on marriage and power also which Vance fails to acknowledge. Lady Bracknell holds the most power in the play as to which all the decisions has to be made by her. Michael idea in his analysis is that marriage has nothing to do with happiness and romance and it is an unpleasant fact rather than a union of two people who are in love while Oscar Wilde's idea is that marriage two people should be honest with each other.



Friday, August 3, 2012

                                          Blog:4        The Hunger Games

        In this blog I will be discussing my final assignment for my English 102 class. This assignment is to write from the perspective, or point of view, from a character in the novel, “The Hunger Games”. We can choose any character in the novel except for the main character Katniss. I will have to adopt the motivation, goals and “voice” of that character. I will have to use the character’s perspective, which can be written in first person and to overlap with at least one major scene from the novel. I will write about that scene from the perspective of the character I will choose. I will also have to write about a scene that is not in the novel. This imagine scene must reveal to readers something new and important about the text. For both scenes, there should be some “idea” that’s at stake. The friction should be able to show this idea through the interaction of characters, action, or description. We have to show that this “idea” matters through story rather than solely through argument. This “idea” will be the title of the paper.

          My plans for this assignment are to choose a character that was important in the novel and that I know that I will have a lot to talk about. I will also choose a character that I connected to the most. I have chosen Peeta’s character to write about. Why I chose Peeta’s character is because I feel that he was one of the main character in the novel since the story starts and ended with him and there’s a lot I could write about him. I think I will create a scene in which Peeta asks Katniss out on a date when they get back in the district but Katniss didn’t give him an answer because she’s thinking about Gale, I don’t know how well this scene will work but I’m thinking about it. What I want to accomplish in this assignment is to have all the requirements to meet its standard and I must have a good and interesting story. I think the biggest challenge for this assignment is to plan a scene that will fit the story. A scene that will be interesting  and yet appropriate.

Friday, July 13, 2012


              This blog contains my version of a Frank O' Hara poem.

                                                  Being a Cashier

          I feel the heat of the beaming sun and the humid air
          could'nt wait for the store door to open
          I walked inside and feel the chills of the cold air of the air condition
          feels so goddamn great

         people starting to invade and grab stuffs that they could hardly carry
         like if they're at a competition
         yes its Down Town Brooklyn
         they have no manners or respect and full of anger
         how ever I have no fear

         Their eyes full of greed as they snap and bark
         wants everything for nothing
         I stand there with all my courage and pray for my hours to go fast
         yes thats what its like



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Response to Satire and Marriage:Perspective from Oscar Wilde's ,The Importance of Being Ernest.

           This blog contains a summary and discussion based on " Notes on Love and Marriage: Perpectives fromm Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest," which was written by Michael Vance in May 2000. This is because i have read the book and i have to evaluate Michael Vance reaction to Oscar Wilde.
         Micheal Vance's article explains the playas a satire where"many of the rules,morays and hypocritical practices and ideas of Oscar Wilde's day made a mockery." Two woman were cheated by two men acting double roles by faking their names just to marry and be loved by the woman love and they also knew that these woman are happy and desirous of marrying men with such names. I think that if you love somebody you should be honest with them no matter what and they might accept you for who you are but if you keep on lying it might end up worst but in the play Jack and Algernon were easily forgiven by Cecily and Gwendolen they loved Jack and Algernon.
       Michael Vance's main idea is that marriage has nothingto with happiness and romancethat it is an unpleasantfact rather than a union of two people who are in love. The romantic comedy becomes a serious issue when money and status steps in as people of high status seeks suitors of similsr status.

Work Cited:

 Vance,Michael."Notes on Love and Mrriage:Perspective from Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest" May 2000.WebJuly 2012.