Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Response to Satire and Marriage:Perspective from Oscar Wilde's ,The Importance of Being Ernest.

           This blog contains a summary and discussion based on " Notes on Love and Marriage: Perpectives fromm Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest," which was written by Michael Vance in May 2000. This is because i have read the book and i have to evaluate Michael Vance reaction to Oscar Wilde.
         Micheal Vance's article explains the playas a satire where"many of the rules,morays and hypocritical practices and ideas of Oscar Wilde's day made a mockery." Two woman were cheated by two men acting double roles by faking their names just to marry and be loved by the woman love and they also knew that these woman are happy and desirous of marrying men with such names. I think that if you love somebody you should be honest with them no matter what and they might accept you for who you are but if you keep on lying it might end up worst but in the play Jack and Algernon were easily forgiven by Cecily and Gwendolen they loved Jack and Algernon.
       Michael Vance's main idea is that marriage has nothingto with happiness and romancethat it is an unpleasantfact rather than a union of two people who are in love. The romantic comedy becomes a serious issue when money and status steps in as people of high status seeks suitors of similsr status.

Work Cited:

 Vance,Michael."Notes on Love and Mrriage:Perspective from Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest" May 2000.WebJuly 2012.


  1. Dear Ashley,I agree with you. I do believe that when you love someone you should always be honest with them. Let them know from the very beginning what they are up against, and let them decide for themselves if that path is the right one for them. One critic, I would kindly advice you to write your blogs on Microsoft words then paste later. Your blog was hard to read because you didn’t separate some of the words. You also have lots of missing words; hence, next time you might want to read your assignment over. As for the blog itself, I would have loved to see more close reading and more resources. For example, your summary could have been a lot stronger had you focused more on the text itself and try to summarize the main idea as opposed to mainly stated out what you thought of the text. Other than that, I think you did a good job. Good luck with your career goal.

    1. Hello Annalice, I want to thank you again for your comments and great advices.I will definitely use microsoft word next time and yea I could have done better, anyways thank you again.
